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Germany’s new visa rules: Great opportunity for skilled foreign workers

Germany has modified its skilled worker visa regulations in an effort to attract more talent in the fields of engineering, information technology (IT), and medicine. Every year, the nation needs about 4,000,00 qualified workers to make up for a labor deficit in specialized industries.

A new opportunity card for overseas workers with skill

“Opportunity Card” is one such project. With effect from June 1, 2024, non-EU nationals are able to move to Germany for a year in order to look for work thanks to the visa system. The card is a component of a larger plan to close the skills gap, especially in sectors where Germany is severely short-staffed, such engineering, information technology, and healthcare.

Who can apply for the Opportunity Card in Germany?

You must have finished at least two years of vocational training or hold a suitable university degree from your native country in order to apply for the Opportunity Card. It is necessary to be proficient in both German and English. In addition, candidates must show that they have more than 12,000 euros in savings or earnings from a part-time work to cover their year-long stay in Germany.

Increased adaptability for proficient laborers

Additionally, skilled workers now have more flexibility under the new regulations. For example, the residence permit that was previously awarded for 18 months upon completion of adaption measures will now be granted for 24 months at initial issuance. Up to a maximum residency term of three years, this permit may be renewed for an additional twelve months. Moreover, potential skilled workers will find it simpler to enter the labor market since the opportunity of secondary employment during the qualification process has been expanded from 10 to 20 hours per week.

Recognition of foreign qualifications made simpler

Germany has also expedited the procedure for acknowledging foreign qualifications by introducing two new channels under the recently passed Skilled Immigration Act. In order to finish this process, those whose qualifications require a skills analysis to confirm their equivalency may be granted a residence visa for a maximum of six months. Candidates must demonstrate German language proficiency at level A2 or above (CEFR) in order to be eligible.

Reduced obligations for family members

It will no longer be necessary for spouses or small children relocating to Germany to accompany certain skilled professionals to show that they have enough room to live. The goal of this modification is to make things easier for family members who travel to Germany with skilled professionals.


What is the Opportunity Card in Germany?

The Opportunity Card is a new visa system effective from June 1, 2024, allowing non-EU nationals to move to Germany for a year to look for work. It is part of a larger initiative to address skills shortages in fields like engineering, information technology (IT), and healthcare.

Who is eligible to apply for the Opportunity Card?

To be eligible for the Opportunity Card, applicants must: Have completed at least two years of vocational training or hold a suitable university degree from their home country. Be proficient in both German and English. Demonstrate savings or part-time work earnings of over 12,000 euros to support their stay in Germany.

How have the residence permit rules changed for skilled workers?

The initial issuance of the residence permit has been extended from 18 to 24 months. It can be renewed for an additional twelve months up to a maximum of three years. Additionally, the allowance for secondary employment during the qualification process has increased from 10 to 20 hours per week

What changes have been made to the recognition of foreign qualifications?

Germany has introduced two new channels to expedite the recognition of foreign qualifications under the Skilled Immigration Act. Those needing a skills analysis to confirm their equivalency can get a residence visa for up to six months. Candidates must show proficiency in German at level A2 or higher (CEFR).

What are the new provisions for family members of skilled workers?

Spouses or small children accompanying skilled professionals to Germany no longer need to demonstrate that they have sufficient living space. This change aims to simplify the relocation process for family members.

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