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License renewal procedures

Restrictions on senior drivers’ license renewals haven’t been shown to be particularly beneficial for safety.

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June 2024

State General population Older population General population Older population General population Older population
AL – Alabama
US state
4 years 4 years no no online, every other renewal online, every other renewal
AK –
US state
5 years 5 years when renewing in person 69 and older, every renewal both, every other renewal not permitted 69 and older
AZ –
US state
12 years 5 years for people 65 and older every renewal every renewal no no
AR –
US state
8 years 4 or 8 years for people 70 and older, personal option every other renewal every other renewal no no
CA –
US state
5 years 5 years when renewing in person 70 and older, every renewal both, limited to 2 consecutive renewals not permitted 80 and older
CO –

US state
5 years 5 years every renewal every renewal both, if photograph is newer than 16 years both, if photograph is newer than 16 years
CT –


US state

8 or 6 years, phasing from a 6 year to 8 year cycle 2 years permitted for people 65 and older, personal option no no both, every other renewal both, every other renewal
DE –
US state
8 years 8 years every renewal every renewal no no
DC –
District of Columbia
US state
8 years 8 years every renewal every renewal both, every other renewal not permitted 70 and older
FL –
US state
8 years 6 years for people 80 and older when renewing in person 80 and older, every renewal both, every other renewal both, every other renewal
GA –
US state
8 years 8 years every renewal every renewal both, every other renewal both, every other renewal
HI –
US state
8 years 2 years for people 72 and older every renewal every renewal both, limited to 2 consecutive renewals, but must appear in person at least every 16 years (effective 07/01/25) both, limited to 2 consecutive renewals, but must appear in person at least every 16 years (effective 07/01/25)
ID –
US state
4 or 8 years, personal option 4 years for people 63 and older every renewal every renewal by mail, every other renewal; must choose 4-year license not permitted 70 and older
IL –
US state
4 years 2 years for people 81 – 86; 1 year for people 87 and older when renewing in person 75 and older, every renewal both, every other renewal not permitted 75 and older
IN –
US state
6 years 3 years for people 75-84: 2 years for people 85 and older when renewing in person 75 and older, every renewal both, every other renewal both, every other renewal
IA –
US state
8 years or 80th birthday, whichever occurs first 2 years for people 78 and older when renewing in person 70 and older, every renewal online, every other renewal not permitted 70 and older
KS –
US state
6 years 4 years for people 65 and older every renewal every renewal online, every other renewal not permitted 65 and older
KY –
US state
4 or 8 years, personal option 4 or 8 years, personal option every renewal every renewal both, if photograph is newer than 16 years both, if photograph is newer than 16 years
LA –
US state
6 years 6 years when renewing in person 70 and older, every renewal both, every other renewal not permitted 70 and olderFootnote1
ME –
US state
6 years 4 years for people 65 and older first renewal after 40 and every other renewal until 62 62 and older, every renewal both, unless proof of vision required not permitted 62 and older
MD –
US state
8 years 8 years when renewing in person 40 and older, every renewal both, if photograph is newer than 16 years both, if photograph is newer than 16 years
MA –
US state
5 years 5 years when renewing in person 75 and older, every renewal online, every other renewal not permitted 75 and older
MI –
US state
4 years 4 years when renewing in person when renewing in person both, every other renewal both, every other renewal
MN –
US state
4 years 4 years every renewal every renewal no no
MS –
US state
4 or 8 years, personal option 4 or 8 years, personal option no no online, every other renewal online, every other renewal
MO –
US state
6 years 3 years for people 70 and older every renewal every renewal no no
MT –
US state
12 years or 75th birthday, whichever occurs first 4 years for people 75 and older every renewal every renewal both, every other renewal both, every other renewal
NE –
US state
5 years 5 years when renewing in person 72 and older, every renewal online, every other renewal not permitted 72 and older
NV –
US state
4 years (odd number birth years); 8 years (even number birth years); 8 years all licenses starting in 2018 4 years for people 65 and older when renewing in person 71 and older, every renewal both, every other renewal; available only for holders of a 4-year license both, every other renewal for people 65 and older
NH –
New Hampshire
US state
5 years 5 years every renewal every renewal online, every other renewal online, every other renewal
NJ –
New Jersey
US state
4 years 2 or 4 years for people 70 and older, personal option every 10 yearsFootnote2 every 10 yearsFootnote2 both, unless new photo requiredFootnote3 bothFootnote3
NM –
New Mexico
US state
4 or 8 years, personal option 4 years for people 71-78; 1 year for people 79 and older when renewing in person 75 and older, every renewal online, every other renewal; by mail, unless new photo required not permitted 75 and older
NY –
New York
US state
8 years 8 years every renewal every renewal both both
NC –
North Carolina
US state
8 years 5 years for people 66 and older every renewal every renewal online, every other renewal online, every other renewal
ND –
North Dakota
US state
6 years 4 years for people 78 and older every renewal every renewal both, every other renewal not permitted 70 and older
OH –
US state
4 or 8 years, personal option 4 years for people 65 and older when renewing in person 65 and older, every renewal online, every other renewal if applying for a 4 year license not permitted 65 and older
OK –
US state
4 or 8 years, personal option 4 or 8 years, personal option no no both, every other renewal both, every other renewal
OR –
US state
8 years 8 years no 50 and older if renewing in person online, every other renewal online, every other renewal
PA –
US state
4 years 2 years or 4 years for people 65 and older, personal option no no both both
RI –
Rhode Island
US state
5 years 2 years for people 75 and older every renewal every renewal online, every other renewal online, every other renewal
SC –
South Carolina
US state
8 years 8 years every renewal every renewal both both
SD –
South Dakota
US state
5 years 5 years when renewing in person 65 and older, every renewal both, every other renewal both, every other renewal
TN –
US state
8 years 8 years no no both both
TX –
US state
8 years 2 years for people 85 and older when renewing in person 79 and older, every renewal both, every other renewal not permitted 79 and older
UT –
US state
8 years 8 years when renewing in person 65 and older, every renewal online, every other renewal online, every other renewal
VT –
US state
2 or 4 years 2 or 4 years no no by mail, unless new photo requiredFootnote5 by mail, unless new photo requiredFootnote5
VA –
US state
8 years 5 years for people 75 and older when renewing in person 75 and older, every renewal both, every other renewal not permitted 75 and older
WA –
US state
6 or 8 years, personal option 6 or 8 years, personal option every renewal every renewal both, every other renewal not permitted 70 and older
WV –
West Virginia
US state
8 years 8 years every renewal every renewal online, every other renewal online, every other renewal
WI –
US state
8 years 8 years every renewal every renewal no no
WY –
US state
5 years 5 years every renewal every renewal by mail, every other renewal by mail, every other renewal




Note 1 If a driver is 70 years of age or older and has a medical diagnosis that prevents them from renewing in person, they may do so by mail or online as long as they submit a sworn affidavit from a physician attesting to their ability to perform all cognitive functions reasonably required to drive safely.

2:Β New Jersey Statute 39:3-10c states, “The division shall require every licensed driver to take and successfully pass a screening of his vision at least once every 10 years as a condition for the renewal of his driver’s license and of any endorsement thereon.

3: According to N.J. Stat. Β§ 39:3-10f, a motorist 64 years of age or younger may renew their license twice in a row for a maximum of four years using a stored photo; however, the picture may not be used more than once every twelve years. When renewing a regular basic driver’s license, drivers 65 years of age and above are permitted to utilize a stored photo for as long as possible.


Are there any restrictions on senior drivers' license renewals?

Yes, there are various restrictions on senior drivers' license renewals, such as reduced renewal periods, mandatory vision tests, and limitations on mail or online renewals. These restrictions vary by state.

Do senior drivers have to undergo vision tests for license renewals?

Yes, in many states, senior drivers are required to undergo vision tests during every license renewal. The specific requirements differ by state and age.

Can senior drivers renew their licenses online or by mail?

In some states, senior drivers can renew their licenses online or by mail, but there are often restrictions based on age. For example, online renewal may not be permitted for seniors above a certain age, such as 70 or 75 years old.

How often do senior drivers need to renew their licenses?

The frequency of license renewals for senior drivers varies by state. Some states require renewals every 2 to 4 years for older drivers, while others may have longer renewal cycles.

Are there any states that offer the same renewal cycle for all ages?

Yes, some states, like Alabama and Delaware, have the same renewal cycle for both the general population and older drivers.

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